Thursday, March 20, 2014

Simple Cross- legs . February 2014 focus.

 Sitting in Simple Cross- legs . This asana is called Svasikasana  

  1.  Sit on the floor , bend the right knee & place the right foot under the left thigh . Now bend the left knee & bring the left foot under the right thigh .
  2. This is simple cross- legs position when the shin bones cross over in line with the centre of the body and each foot is placed under the opposite thigh .
  3. Now sit upright  , lift your chest , head straight  .
  4. Be sure to evenly work the body . Uncross your legs and place the opposite shin bone in place now . Repeat your attention to your spine , your chest & head .  Always alternating chins to work evenness in your body . 
This yoga posture was practiced in class each Saturday for the month of February 2014 at Yoga and You Paddington .
May I suggest getting go the couch as often as possible and continue your work with this pose and your body .

Note :  Excellent for beginers , but not good for any persons who has problems with knees  .      
Tip    :  Sit the buttocks on a blankets if your hips are tight.